Do you have any product which you can sell on the internet? If so then start your marketing with it today! It's not so easy though, but not so hard also! Just keep some patience and keep your eyes on the internet. Try to find something new and try to give people something new, it will be very easier for you to sell. But from Bangladesh it will very much difficult for you to handle the payment system. Bangladesh does not support any transaction through pay pal and maximum internet buyer use pay pal for online transaction.
But what if you don't have any product!
Do you want sell other's product?
No! It's not like salesmen in the real world. You need to sell some products online in various ways. And this is called affiliate marketing. You will get a commission for each selling; it varies for different affiliate programs.
1st, choose the best affiliate program for yourself:
There are lots of affiliate programs on the net, before sign up review their programs, % of commission, their payment system and others. Don't make any decisions seeing a nice banner. You can find any kind of affiliate products on the net.
So before starting with any affiliate network, ask yourself which will be best for you and easier for you to handle. It can be a web hosting, books, poker, games, medicine, link building, hotels, airlines, credit card, friend findings and lots of other programs are available.
If you decide to start affiliate marketing with your website, than you must have the power to write something very attractive about the product. It will help you to sell products. You can start your marketing with email, than you need a auto-responder program to maintain your regular incoming and outgoing mail.
2nd, Sign up with an Affiliate Network:
After select the best program that is perfect for you it time to sign up.
It's all about the money, so provide the right information about you, correct address and bank information if needed. Many online transactions from Bangladesh are done by check. You can request them to make a direct transfer to you account if possible. After signing up they will provide you different link for different product (these link will include your affiliate ID). Those links could be text links add or banners add.
All you need is to place these HTML code into a suitable place in your site. When people will buy something using that link you will get paid. Your affiliate network will handle these by cookies. You don't need to think about that. Just think and try to apply some different methods to increase your affiliate sell. I told before that the main basic thing needs for online marketing is patience and creativity. Lots of free resources are available on the net to help you. If your site get a good number of hits, it will be easier for you.
In internet marketing world the main source of income is your own website traffic. If your site does not get lots of traffic then first learn how to increase your site traffic. Then start with affiliate program. You can sign up more than one affiliate programs. The money will start roll in to your bank account.
Try with commission junction, linkshare
These two sites offer various affiliate products. They don't have their own products I told you before. They act like a media, signing up with these site you can find various affiliate program, there are thousands of company are engaged with these sites. These companies will pay "cj" and "linkshare" and they will pay you. Sign up and start your earning today. offer another advanced program called Lead Generation. Why don't you start a tour to those sites?
I am giving here some affiliate networks link:
* linkshare
* cardoffer
* pepperjam network
* thinkhost
* friend finder
* myrxcash
* medstore
* market health
* lunarpages
* Google Affiliate
* Income Access
And lots of other you can join
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